Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Friday in Norway was a spectacular day, of relaxation, discovery and casual celebration. First relaxation- Severina's father and step-mom graciously invited 5 of us to come with them to a national park, where there are boulders beside the ocean. We had a picnic there, and soaked in the (last rays?) of summer sun.

We only discovered later, that the TONS of rocks piled up there were not caused by some glacier or similar natural cause. It shows where people buried their dead! Doesn't this rock formation look like a slice of bread?

Next on the agenda was a brief trip to Stavern, a small artist village on another harbor. The red paint is a very traditional color produced in Norway, and used also frequently on barns.

This Roman numeral -faced sun dial is amazing-- carved into a huge granite rock. If you put your feet where the correct month "footprint" is carved, it accurately tells the time!

We capped off the day with a celebrative and fun cook-out, mostly attended by out-of-town guests, beside the ocean inlet. Even I turned a few burgers on the grill! This was at the Christian retreat center where we were spending the night while there, and also where the wedding reception would be the next day.

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