Sunday, October 07, 2007

Breakfast Buddies

I wish I could recall all the cool quotes, and amazing sentences people have said to me (that's why i sometimes carry a notebook to a coffee appointment) ... the mundane but yet profound items of note that I've discussed in fantastic, eternal-type conversations... but alas, my memory is detailed only for strange things (and I'm usually not bad with names, come to think of it!). So much of my life is "lost" in the recesses of my memory bank(s?). However, impressions do stay with me... and being with 2 special friends, Deanna and Vera (along w/ Deanna's baby Abby), last week for a Monday breakfast at Stilbruch on the famous cafe street, Wagnergasse in Jena, on a crisp fall morning, was a lovely, encouraging, enduring impression! :-)
Ok-- it's a promise... more impressions of my last month, to come...

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Great photo!!! I've hit the big time, I made it onto Martha's blog!