Thursday, October 11, 2007


I do not like to wait. In fact, I think you could say that I'm an impatient person, at times. That is one reason why I'm (sadly, too often!) LATE arriving places-- I know, it stinks! But I don't like to wait. I find it a waste of time, I guess. Or get bored easily.

I remember that Neil at USC used to say when he had to wait on someone (usually standing around the mascot statue, Tommy Trojan), that he'd pray for that person while waiting-- a good idea, I think, because then the waiting doesn't seem so ... well, meaningless... or boring.

I read a verse last week while having some "retreat" time in Jena, preparing for the new semester and preparing my soul for some better "balance" with rest. Habakkuk 2:3 says,

"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay"
(NASB Translation).

I read this verse on October 3rd, which is a national holiday celebrating the reunification of the (once) two Germany's-- "Day of German Unity" (Tag der deutschen Einheit). Maybe that is sort of significant, since I'm teaming up with God and students to begin a new "franchise" of Connexxion, which first sprang up in the East and has now moved West!

A prayer: I saw this verse as assurance that You, Father, will make things “happen” Braunschweig, and beyond. That even though I don’t feel like wearing myself out with dozens of appointments, etc. (and believe I should NOT do that either), and trying to make things come together in a big way here, right away, I still feel a drive, an urge that I should and could do more… but want to resist that and instead plug into You. Wait for You! Wait for Your timing. Versus burning out. And I realize, too, that good things usually come slowly as You work in hearts. And that people “catch a vision” over time. But over time, it will and does happen. Thank you, Father, for the amazing way you’ve stirred up a vision already here... Wow!

(Note: the 1st photo above is taken of me at a conference on the Rhein, my first time to this touristy & lovely scenery, with spectacular views from a YMCA hotel where we stayed! The 2nd is from a terrace at my good friend's house in Jena. Susanne and Christoph let me spend a week here while they were out of town. It was too cold to sit outside, except for one afternooon... but what a fantastic place to "wait on God.")

1 comment:

Deanna said...

What a great photo of you overlooking the Rhein!