Monday, January 28, 2008

the "amis" are here!

Here I am with Kirstin from Tennessee (actually Kansas City!), and Doro, from Germany!

"Ami" is a nickname (can be derogatory but doesn't have to be; just sounds shorter to me) for Americans... this month we had a great time with our German- American Exchange Week with 10 here from Union U. in Tennessee. They stayed in the apartments of college students -- Andreas (left) was the host of Chad (middle). Brad is also with them (doing an internship; from Rhode Island).

handed out home- baked chocolate chip cookies at our table near the cafeterias,
and helped our Connexxion group host tons of events-- like a country -western party -- up above are Andreas, Chad, and Brad. Below... Friedemann (Germany) and Tommy (from OU) are looking quite "country" don't you think?
a campus worship,

a Bible discussion group in the pub -- here is an international bunch-- Katie (from England), Matt and Rachel (Tenn.) and Philipp (Germany) deep in thought!
and a Saturday trip to Berlin, etc. More photos later!

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