Friday, July 23, 2010

learning to cook spanish

For my birthday, Inma and her family gave me a special "dish"that has a handle on the other side, to flip a "tortilla de patatas"-- a very typical Spanish quiche type dish. If you click the link under "tortilla," you'll get step by step instructions with photos!
Part of the gift was an incredible invitation to learn how to make it, with her mom! It was a slooowwwwww process.
In the meantime, I shared a delicious cup of Paloma's gazpacho (cold tomato soup). Her secret ingredient is adding a bit of apple to it.
I'm excited, too, because Inma will come to visit me in Braunschweig, in late August, so we can hang out & I can "meld" my 2 cultures/ "worlds" together!

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