Sunday, February 04, 2007

Colts and Chili

Tonight was the SUPERBOWL (go, Colts and Tony Dungy, who used to be our coach in Tampa Bay). By the way, Tony is ALL over the news, highly respected -- he is the first African- American coach to win a Superbowl. Plus he never cusses & never shouts at his players, & is a devout Christian.

I watched the game at my brother's church, CrossPointe, which was accompanied by a yummy chili cook-off! Ok-- I won 2nd prize. I'm not usually a competitive person, but somehow wanted to have fun with it. I looked on line for prize-winning recipes & used quality sirloin tri-tip & ground chuck beef (wenn ihr das nicht wisst, chili con carne ist wirklich in manchen Regionen eine "Wissenschaft" & es gibt mehrere Wettbewerbe dafuer!), along with a stick of cinnamon & the juice of one lime.

Here are the 4 top winners (including my mom! You go, girl!).

More folks at the Superbowl event...

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Congrats! Chili is one of my favorite things! (And I've about got my recipe perfected...)