Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Amis Arrive...

If you compare the above photo to the one in the "blog" below this, you can see how the group kept growing-- first Oklahoma arrived and then 10 from Tennessee!

In Germany a term for Americans is "Amis" (it can be used derogatorily, but is also just a shorter way to say it!). In the last 2 weeks we had 15 "new friends" from the States arrive for a German- American cultural exchange (including for a few of them, a true summer internship). It's been super busy & intensive, but very blessed and fun! Here are a few photos of the beginning of our time... including getting to know the city.

Eating in the Mensa (university cafeteria) w/ Tina (front left) who helped a ton with the groups! ... doing a "city rally" (scavenger hunt) to find the "Old Scales & Weights building" alongside a cool man- made stream ...
Finding a bathroom in the city center (you put in coins and then open the door).
Where to find good ice cream... :-) Yummy!

... where to meet interesting people -- such as the lady who is having a bachelorette party, and the wedding couple here doing a puzzle in front of the Rathaus "city hall".

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