Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Above is the entrance to the main Mensa on my new campus, as well as the offices running housing & cafeterias, etc. Isaline and I have eaten together in Mensa 2 (which is the 2nd main student cafeteria, of sorts, in Braunschweig). The campuses are so spread out, even from the TU, that you may walk as much as 15-20 minutes between 3 different sections.

She comes from France and is doing a 1-year exchange here, studying mechanical engineering. I asked if she would show me some building where you could TELL that it's mechanical engineering... so she did! This experiment lab/ hall was impressive-- lots of boilers, machines, and engines, vacuums, & rotary stuff! I will have to learn a whole new vocabulary in German (AND English) to keep up with the engineers on campus.

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