Monday, February 05, 2007

exploring ...

Always on the look-out for fresh ideas... I've wanted to explore some "emerging" churches while I'm in the US. If you're not sure what this term means, I'm with ya. Not sure if this church exactly fits the bill, either, but it was an interesting morning. Went with a good buddy of mine, Jason, to his church called Relevant Church meeting in Ybor City, where they rent the lovely Italian Club in Tampa. The building is found in a famous Cuban district (as well as a hot-spot, weekend club area). This area of town was known in the early days for our cigar factories, manned by people who largely came over from Cuba to escape Castro's Communism.

Worship services began later than some churches, at either 10 or 11:30 (yea to that idea!). The band played edge-y, rock worship songs. At the end of each service they always become a cover band, playing a song fitting the theme -- this week it was Coldplay.

Creativity-- to illustrate the new message series, called "Finding Your NESS," they had a HUGE "book" rotating on the stage. When you come in the front entrance, you use a touch- screen flat screen monitor to start typing in your last name, & if you'd been there before-- BING! Out comes your printed label for your name tag. They threw T-shirts into the crowd when the pastor came out, as gifts, to ask people to advertise the theme for this message series!

A plus about being in the States is connecting with friends from an active singles group, from Idlewild Baptist Church. Ok, for all you guys out there who know our Connexxion BEACH parties-- this was sort of like that (note the outfits). This time the theme from their monthly "Priority" worship event was from an old TV show called "Love Boat" (about a cruise liner where everyone meets-- you guessed it-- their true love).
When I came in the door someone handed me a lei (Blumenkranz) & took an official cruise photo! Sherry is a special friend & she helped organize a volunteer group from their "Lighthouse Singles" to come to Weimar a few summers ago. THEY also helped US host a cool beach party in the dorm there! By the way, I went into my parents' closet to pull out some "vintage" attire!

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