Saturday, June 03, 2006

Vision Trip- Go Glorieta

Yahoo-- yee haw! Well, I'm still doing some 'back-blogging' from photos & impressions of the last fun & full months. Our first night & next day on the Connexxion Vision Trip (March 2006) was spent as the last 3 years, with folks from Hope Church in Ft. Worth.

Harold Bullock, Bob Brandon & a group of 13 faith-filled other people started this church in the late '70's & have trained hundreds of people to start new ministries & churches. They "drew outside the lines" in their philosophy of church, paving the way for many more. For years they weren't recognized as a 'real' church (only a 'mission'), only because they didn't have a building.

They have a dynamic way of reaching people through their emphasis on values & 'heart attitudes' in their small groups. They also have a running club (sponsor a River Race yearly) & photo club. We have a morning seminar with them each year before leaving for Oklahoma (and then ... spring break in Glorieta, NM).

Last spring a key leader from our group, Stefan (see the cowboy hat!), was an intern for 5 months with a like- minded NEW church called Breakthrough, which has specially concentrated on reaching collegians at UT in Arlington. He's pictured with his pastor/ friends Andy & Stacie Wood. I was especially honored to visit with our family friends, James & Betty Washburn and their granddaughter, who greeted us at the Mexican restaurant our first evening!

All kinds of weather greeted us for our Conference, entitled "Follow me, as I follow Him." Special speakers included Mike Story, from Colorado (pictured left with some heroes of mine, Max & Sandra Barnett, former director of the BSU at OU and now coordinating campus work in Colorado -- all the buildings in Santa Fe look like this-- stucco, mission style!) ... as well as Dr. and Mrs. Howard Hendricks (see Dr. H. below)!

The worship times with over 300 students were impacting, but the one- on -one times I met with people was just as encouraging in a different way (I can't begin to name all of you dear people, but for starters I felt hugged hanging out with people like Kate Moore-- who should be a relative-- so bubbly... and friend Nancy J., top of page, in the snow)! I also got to speak twice at a seminar during the week, as well as host a fun "evening excursions" for dozens of students 1 night in my hotel/ apartment room.

My roommate for the week was my very great friend Anja G., our former Connexxion staffer, who is now studying at Southwestern Seminary. She brought cool snacks that she knew I can't get in Germany (You're truly a kindred spirit!). I think you can see a tear when she says "good-bye" to us (pictured with Sebastian & Lukas... I miss ya, Anja!)

At the end of the week there was a huge extravaganza-- talent show type event-- our group put on brown shirts & sang on stage -- a CRAZY volks song from Germany about monkeys looking for a coconut! Yes, this is Deutschland-- the great nation known for technology & complicated inventions, high-speed trains that run on time, outstanding classical music & opera, concern for world affairs & the environment, putting together the EU, a world-changing Reformation, and breathtaking castles-- but when we "let our hair down" -- watch out, folks! :-) It was embarrassing... all the students taking our photos after the event-- like we were celebrities!

1 comment:

Dan said...

You are a skilled blogger! I love all the pictures, stories, and descriptions... I always enjoy stopping by your page, and always appreciate your notes of encouragement or your sweet emails. Love ya Martha!
