Sunday, April 30, 2006

School Start

They're back! We started off the 1st week of the spring semester at Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) by handing out 1500 gummy bear with flyers on campus (April 20th), as well as a few New Testaments & logo pens.

It was great to just 'get out there' & meet new students. "Here you go..." I said over and over holding out the packets (in German "bitte schön" -which is actually translated in literal form as "please pretty!"). Handing out New Testaments to
students waiting in line to use a computer kiosk, one gal commented: "I've just started reading the Bible myself." So God is at work in hearts already, even in this atheistic- influenced area! (Caro & Maria, with Greek or Roman statues in background; Anne and Caro, right).

That evening we had "Extra Cross" worship which we do monthly on campus. At the end, Thomas told about his call into ministry-- a former student in our group but now graduated, Thomas has recently switched to half-time at his computer job, so he can serve on staff with Connexxion! About 30 of us gathered around to pray over him. Stefan, smiling in the back, was instrumental in mentoring him over the years. Vera, on the left, heard the good news in big ways through the discussion group that Thomas leads Monday nights in the pub. That weekend from Friday night to Saturday noon we loved on students at an in-house retreat ... and did some key training with small group leaders & a living room full of those who graciously volunteer for vital roles in our group.

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