Our time during the vision trip in Los Angeles and Orange County was precious, enjoying having my Germany & Spain friends connect and learn from my California friends! Abraham and Anja shared their personal stories at Seabreeze Church in Huntington Beach.
They invited us to set up a table in order to connect with those after church.
John here with Joe, talking with Kris (far right). Kris was greatly influenced to go overseas 3 plus years ago, by his Bible study leader, Joe!
Henning is with Barry and Krystyn. Barry has encouraged us with 2 visits here in Braunschweig, while traveling with his company, Futures Fins.
Seabreeze hosted a barbecue.... where several of us spoke later indoors to a large group.
On Tuesday we spent time with staff of 2 key churches in the Hope Network, Orange Crest and Church in the Valley
Pastor and church planter Randy Lanthripe sharing with us...
Tommy Trojan-- on the USC campus, where I used to serve on staff!!
We wanted to serve those who were giving to us... for instance, stuffing 3,000 easter eggs at the CIV office on Friday...
A quick glimpse of the huge amount of lawn work our team did, including cleaning house too. Our team cleared out and put tarp over this area at the Walkers' home
Barbecue with the USC Challenge group - here with Katy (on staff), Monique, one of our hosts, and Melinda (good friends; she and her husband founded the group 25 years ago).
Abraham here with some great guys from USC
Our chance to talk about our Connexxion groups in Europe, with the USC gang ...
Kayanna and Robert (formerly student at USC) made a 2- hour trip down to say 'hi' and catch up with us!!