Every so often during a party, you gotta grab a moment to catch up with a friend (Andre and Kris)
Anja and Joanna... also in the Christmas spirit
Tobi just started coming around the group this year, as a freshman... with Birthe helping in the kitchenwe played a game (we've done this before! but it still "works"!)... dressing a student up, in teams, with plenty of toilet paper... and whatever they can find in the apartment. another team goes around and judges the "works of art" according to 4-5 categories... YES-- we take this game seriously! :-)... Lena, Christoph, Peter and Wiebke are looking on, to put on the final touches.
Lars and Dodo are engaged to be married in September-- I just love these two!
we met Hulya this semester and she is a real sweetie!
in my apartment-- the gang all listening, as the jury shares the game "rules"-- ready, set... GO!