Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More photos of a great 10 days with our german -american exchange... with Connexxion and students from Union U. Rachel is with Isaline, who is from France. Name tags helped with all the mix of languages and new names and strange spellings!

The term "foosball" is actually an English version of the German word meaning the game soccer. But this wooden version played here they call "kicker." Ralf, Hannes and Oli are playing with Tommy cheering them on.

The country-western party brought out over 30 students to meet new friends, learn line dancing and just practice English!

It's great having Lydia here from the Connexxion group in Jena (on the left, with Damaris on right and Kristin peeking through). She moved to Braunschweig in the fall to do an internship and write her thesis, and has brought the sunshine from "home" with her and understanding of our overall concept. On Wednesday we had pasta parties in 3 locations, followed by an evening in the basement of a local campus pub, to read a popular story from the Bible about a son who ran away from home, and discuss it together.

Monday, January 28, 2008

the "amis" are here!

Here I am with Kirstin from Tennessee (actually Kansas City!), and Doro, from Germany!

"Ami" is a nickname (can be derogatory but doesn't have to be; just sounds shorter to me) for Americans... this month we had a great time with our German- American Exchange Week with 10 here from Union U. in Tennessee. They stayed in the apartments of college students -- Andreas (left) was the host of Chad (middle). Brad is also with them (doing an internship; from Rhode Island).

handed out home- baked chocolate chip cookies at our table near the cafeterias,
and helped our Connexxion group host tons of events-- like a country -western party -- up above are Andreas, Chad, and Brad. Below... Friedemann (Germany) and Tommy (from OU) are looking quite "country" don't you think?
a campus worship,

a Bible discussion group in the pub -- here is an international bunch-- Katie (from England), Matt and Rachel (Tenn.) and Philipp (Germany) deep in thought!
and a Saturday trip to Berlin, etc. More photos later!